What is Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neuro-degenerative disorder. It occurs due to loss of dopamine-producing brain cells that facilitates movements and balancing. It also affects patient’ mood, sleep and memory.

Parkinson's Symptoms
Movement Symptoms
  • Tremor: It is most noticeable when at rest. It usually starts in one upper limb, and may spread to other limbs and whole body.
  • Slowness of movement
  • Muscle stiffness
Non-movement symptoms

include depression, constipation, insomnia, orthostatic hypotension.

Hoehn and Yahr Scale : Five Stages of Parkinson's
Only one side of the body is affected
Symptoms affect both sides of the body
Balance and stability become affected
Symptoms increase, however are able to stand and walk
Assistance is required for everyday activities
Parkinson's Disease Rehabilitation
1. Physiotherapy
  • To improve patients’ mobility, flexibility, balance, and muscle strength while reducing stiffness and fall rates
  • To provide recommendation on walking aids to increase patients’ independence
2. Occupational Therapy
  • To improve patients’ self-care abilities and hand functions
  • To provide home assessment and modifications to create a barrier-free environment
3. Speech Therapy
  • To improve communication and pronunciation, and strengthen swallowing muscles to minimize aspiration risk
4. Dietetic Consultation
  • To evaluate and monitor dietetic intervention to facilitate the patients’ recovery, control symptoms and improve well-being
  • 1Make a call or WhatsApp for an appointment. Our staff will explore your needs and expectation thru tele-conversation.
  • 2Send medical referral letter through WhatsApp
  • 3Attend the schedule appointment with medical history and referral letter. Our therapist will conduct a series of physical / cognitive assessment, and tailor-made a training program and will review your progress regularly.
Enquiry and Appointment